Attack Tool Kit
the open-source exploiting framework
"It checks for security leaks on your system, which is what everyone should do. This is well done, I particulary like the customization of the program through plugins, etc." - Spector, Developer,
Here you'll find documentations and articles about the Attack Tool Kit. Most of the refer to old document layouts of the former web site.

Software Manuals

Attack Tool Kit Online Help
Marc Ruef, September 2004
This is the official online help of the Attack Tool Kit software. The whole process of installation, setup and configuration, plugin handling and update, running and analyzing an attack is discussed. A very good ressource to learn how to use the software.

How to use the ATK
Marc Ruef, September 18, 2004
This small introduction shows in five steps how to use the ATK. Very usefull for new users.

Plugin Development and Maintenance

Modify a single Check
Marc Ruef, November 2004
Discussion how to change a plugin during run-time to adapt a new version of a specific test.

How to write a plugin manually
Marc Ruef, November 2003 - January 2004
Official guide to write your own plugins manually.

About the Project

A brief history of the ATK
Marc Ruef, September 28, 2004
An overview of the history of the ATK project and software.

Attack Tool Kit (ATK) Project Presentation
Marc Ruef, October 13, 2004
A presentation that introduces the Attack Tool Kit software and project. This document is in german only available.

Programming techniques used to optimize the Attack Tool Kit
Marc Ruef, November 2003 - January 2004
Some hints for all developers how to optimize the source code. This publication is not finished yet.