httprecon project
advanced web server fingerprinting
"Marc Ruef developed a new tool to make fingerprinting of web servers much easier. While using different test cases the hard requirements of such an identification can be met much better and more precise." - Martin Rutishauser, OneConsult GmbH, Director Training and Research
Test: get_long (GET /aaa(...) HTTP/1.1)
Fingerprint: pragma

Further details about proxies and cacheing.

1AOLserver 3.4.2no-cache
2AOLserver 4.0.10no-cache
3Apache 1.3.33no-cache
4Apache 1.3.37no-cache
5Apache 2.0.59No-cache
6Apache 2.0.59no-cache
7Apache 2.2.3no-cache
8Apache 2.2.4no-cache
9Apache 2.2.6no-cache
10Cherokee 0.6.0no-cache
11Cherokee 0.99no-cache
12Cougar 9.5.6001.6264no-cache, xResetStrm=1
13Dell 1710nno-cache
14Dell 3232no-cache
15Dell M5200no-cache
16FlexWATCH FW-3440-Bno-cache
17GlobalSCAPE Secure Server 3.3no-cache
18Hiawatha 6.11no-cache
19IBM HTTP Server
21Jetty 6.1.1no-cache
22KLone 2.1.0rc1no-cache
23Lexmark C750no-cache
24Lexmark E323no-cache
25Lexmark T630no-cache
26LiteSpeed Web Server 3.3no-cache
27Lotus Domino Go Webserver
28Microsoft IIS 6.0no-cache
29Microsoft ISA Server 2006no-cache
30Novell Access Manager 3no-cache
31Ricoh Aficio 1022 Web-Server 3.0no-cache
32Ricoh Aficio 1045 5.23 Web-Server 3.0no-cache
33Ricoh Aficio 1060 3.53.3 Web-Server 3.0no-cache
34Ricoh Aficio 6002 3.53.3 Web-Server 3.0no-cache
35Symantec Mail Security for SMTPNo-Cache
36Zope 2.6.0no-cache
37Zope 2.6.1no-cache
38Zope 2.7.5no-cache
39Zope 2.7.7no-cache
40Zope 2.9.5no-cache
41lighttpd 1.4.22no-cache
42nginx 0.5.32no-cache
43nginx 0.6.20no-cache
44webcamXP PRO 2006 2.16.456x BETAno-cache
45webcamXP PRO 2006 2.20.024no-cache
46webcamXP PRO 2006 2.37.144no-cache
47webcamXP PRO 2007 3.60.220no-cache
48webcamXP PRO 2007 3.72.440no-cache
49webcamXP PRO 2007 3.96.000 betano-cache

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