httprecon project
advanced web server fingerprinting
"Handy little tool." - patrick, comment, HTTP Verb Brute Forcing
Test: get_nonexisting (GET /404test.html HTTP/1.1)
Fingerprint: vary-delimiter

Delimiter used to announce the Vary details.

1Apache 1.3.26,
2Apache 2.0.52,
3Apache 2.0.53,
4Apache 2.0.54,
5Apache 2.0.59,
6Apache 2.0.63,
7Apache 2.2.2,
8Apache 2.2.3,
9Apache 2.2.4,
10Apache 2.2.6,
11Compaq HTTP Server 9.9,
12Microsoft IIS 6.0,
13Zope 2.9.6,
14and-httpd 0.99.11,
15lighttpd 1.4.18,
16lighttpd 1.4.19,
17nginx 0.7.35,

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