httprecon project
advanced web server fingerprinting
"It's rediculously bad ass as far as finger printing goes." - HexaTex, MySpace Forum
Test: wrong_version (GET / HTTP/9.8)
Fingerprint: htaccess-realm

The name of the htaccess authentication.

1GlobalSCAPE Secure Server 3.3192.168.4.72
2Jigsaw 2.2.5w3t
3KGet web interface 2.1.3KGet Webinterface Authorization
4NetBotz 320 thttpd 2.25bNetBotz Appliance
5NetBotz 420 thttpd 2.25bNetBotz Appliance
6NetBotz 500 thttpd 2.25bNetBotz Appliance
7Netgear RP114 3.26RP114
8SWAT 3.0.24SWAT
9WallBotz 500 thttpd 2.25bNetBotz Appliance

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