vulnerability scanning with nmap

The code is now also available on the official GitHub repository. Feel free to enhance or fork the project as you like.

Version 2.0 of Nmap NSE Vulscan is available online. This major release introduces version identification, which may improve the accuracy of findings as long as the linked vulnerability databases provide version information (supported by scip VulDB only at the moment). Furthermore, a parsing bug if the server identification did contain special characters, has been fixed. This improves the stability of the script.

The new project web site has been made available to prepare everything for release 2.0. Come back here or subscribe to the RSS feed to seen when the new release is available.

Release 1.0 of vulscan did support Secunia. However, Secunia isn't allowing me to use their public data, even if it is a good opportunity to link back to their services. This is whay I had to re-release version 1.0 without secunia.cve.

A complete re-write of the script has been made. This improves speed, accuracy and confidence of testing very much. Furthermore, different vulnerability databases like scip VulDB, CVE and SecurityFocus are now available.

The first public release of Nmap NSE Vulscan has been made available. The initial release is supporting OSVDB as vulnerability database.