httprecon project
advanced web server fingerprinting
"Very nice (and rare!) kind of project. Thx for and my five stars!" - Light Templer,
Test: get_long (GET /aaa(...) HTTP/1.1)
Fingerprint: vary-capitalize

The use of capitalized letters within the vary definitions.

1AOLserver 4.0.101
2Apache 1.3.260
3Apache 2.0.461
4Apache 2.0.540
5Apache 2.0.541
6Apache 2.0.551
7Apache 2.0.590
8Apache 2.0.631
9Apache 2.2.111
10Apache 2.2.20
11Apache 2.2.21
12Apache 2.2.30
13Apache 2.2.31
14Apache 2.2.41
15Apache 2.2.60
16BaseHTTPServer 0.31
17Jetty 5.1.11
18Mongrel 1.01
19Oracle Application Server 10g
20Roxen 4.5.1450
21Zeus 4.31
22Zeus 4.410
23Zope 2.10.41
24Zope 2.8.41
25Zope 2.8.61
26Zope 2.9.61
27and-httpd 0.99.111
28nginx 0.5.331
29nginx 0.6.201
30nginx 0.7.351

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